The Drink That
 Changed MY Life 
7 reasons I drink it everyday and why you should too!


What if I told you that there is a place where 400% more people of age 100+ live without canes to get around or glasses to help them see, and where they are overall very healthy. There is a place and it's where the berry in my drink comes from.

Reason 1: Antioxidants

One ounce of my drink = 2 pounds of wolfberries. There are 17 or 18 species of wolfberry, but only this specific wolfberry species  has the ability to deliver all the micro and macro nutrients that are bioavailable to the cells of your body. Antioxidants play a huge role in aging, memory, arthritis, inflammation—and so much more. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities.  Presently, the highest antioxidant on the ORAC scale is vitamin E which comes in between 800 and 1200, followed by blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates etc... A combination of fruits, together, reach around 3000 on the ORAC. The ORAC score of my drink is 27,300.

Reason 2: Acid to Alkaline

In your body, you have alkaline and acid. What creates disease? Acid. It breeds virus, bacteria, and fungus. When you can keep your pH neutral, you inhibit growth of things you don’t want in your body. Everything we eat converts in the stomach, which has a pH of 2.5. This specific wolfberry goes into the stomach and starts to break down as acid, but the minute it hits the small intestine, it immediately converts back to alkaline. It’s acid binding and alkaline forming. Only one other food does that: the lemon. This wolfberry is chemically structured to convert because of the amino acid Tripsin—which is responsible for the conversion of amino acids in protein. And guess what my drink is? It’s alkaline protein. It’s the most perfect food that exists.

Reason 3: Free Radicals

Where do free radicals come from? The air, electromagnetic fields, stuff we’re eating—chocolate, sugar. They are the army guys on the wrong side of the team. They wreak havoc. You outnumber the army with my drink. Your body does a good job at taking care of oxidative stress, but one of the reasons we age—the reasons we get wrinkly, the reasons we feel tired-- it’s because of an excess of free radicals. Everything that is high in ORAC will flush your system really well.  Your body gets quadrillions of free radical attacks each day: 10,000 attacks **per cell** per day. The body needs a leg up. Most other “nutritional” drinks do little against superoxide—the worst free radical—because the drinks are so heavily processed. My source has worked for years to protect the berry all the way to the bottle, so you get the full benefits. The special wolfberry was saved during processing. That means it is a powerhouse designed to fight free radicals in the body.

Reason 4: Vitamin/Mineral Pairs 


Minerals have to be properly balanced. Too much calcium will result in a zinc deficiency. Too much zinc can suppress immunity and lead to anemia. Both the mineral profile and the mineral balance of this  wolfberry is without equal in the plant kingdom. With magnesium to calcium ratios 1:1, zinc to copper 2:1, and potassium to magnesium 8:1: it is exactly what the body needs in proportion.

Reason 5: It’s A Macronutrient 

You’re getting whole food nutrition. It’s coming from the plant—not a synthetic source. It’s coming from a food-based source. That means it’s easier for your body to process and you’ll absorb more of what you’re eating. It is also a liquid. If you did a digestive function test, 95-98 percent of us would come back with a weak or deficient digestive system—because of medications, stress, and processed food. To get this wolfberry in a liquid form means you absorb it faster, and your body doesn’t have to break it down.

Reason 6: Infused with Essential Oils 


Essential Oils in my drink act as a delivery system to the body. Because it’s infused with essential oils that are FDA approved for internal consumption , it increases the absorption rate of my drink. The tiny oils act as a delivery system for the larger molecules. 

Reason 7: It Has the Right Sugar and the Right Enzymes 

But sugar is bad, right? Not all sugar. My drink has the right sugar to open the door to your cell. When our cell membranes are 1) inflamed 2) oxidized 3) toxic 4) lacking in mitochondrial function to energize the receptors to open and close—we have no energy. The sugars in my drink open the door to our cells so good information can get passed to them. It crosses the lipid layer of the cell and passes inside. Only 8 sugars on the earth can open the door. My drink has 4 of the 8, naturally occurring inside the wolfberry. Let’s also talk enzymes. By age 40, you start losing digestive enzymes in the gut. My drink is loaded with the right enzymes to help you break food down and get the nutrients out of what you eat. Feed your body exactly what it needs.

Additional information: 

This specific wolfberry contains every essential amino acid. It contains 13 percent protein, the highest protein content of any fruit. It has 20 trace minerals. It has naturally occurring Vitamins B1, B6, and B2—the energy vitamin. It has many unique polysaccharides not found in any other plant on the planet. It has a very high ORAC value which ranks it as the best antioxidant food in the world.  It has more Vitamin C than all the fruits and veggies on the earth:148 milligrams. Parsley and Spinach have 133 milligrams. Oranges have 53. It has more calcium than cherries (16mg) and cruciferous veggies (50) at 110 milligrams and more beta carotene (12,600) than carrots (11,000). It is loaded with fiber because the skin of the berry was preserved. 

Perhaps the best thing this wolfberry does for your body is what it does to cells. This wolfberry and good nutrition can impact your cell membrane. It helps cellular communication take place. If cell communication breaks down, your health breaks down. When you eat poorly, your cells get mucked up. The lipid layer on the outside of the cell gets sticky. And the cells stack on top of one another like coins. My drink wipes that doorway clean, increases the surface area so that good information can get passed to the cell.  My drink is not healing the body. It’s cleaning cell receptor sites so the body can do its own work.  It comes alongside the body so it can do what it was created to do.

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