Anti-Inflammatory Diet
What foods to avoid and what foods to enjoy!
Foods to Avoid
These foods are considered inflammatory and should be avoided if you have Arthritis

 Foods that contain high levels of purines
Purines are a type of compound that is found naturally in some foods. When these foods are metabolized, they break down into uric acid, which can then build up in the body and cause health problems. Foods that are high in purines include organ meats, anchovies, herring, mackerel, and sardines.

Nightshade vegetables

Nightshade vegetables, such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants, contain a compound called solanine that can be harmful for people with arthritis. Solanine is a natural pesticide that helps to protect the plants from predators. While solanine is not harmful in small amounts, it can cause inflammation and pain in people with arthritis.

Processed Meats

Bacon, Sausage, and Deli Meat
Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, and deli meat, are high in saturated fat and sodium, which can worsen arthritis symptoms. Processed meats are also often made with additives and preservatives that can trigger inflammation.

 Refined carbs
White Bread and Pasta
Refined carbs, such as white bread and pasta, are high on the glycemic index, which means they can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. These spikes can trigger inflammation and pain in people with arthritis.

Dairy products

Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt,
Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, contain a protein called casein that has been linked to inflammation. Additionally, dairy products are often high in saturated fat, which can also worsen arthritis symptoms.


Alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of developing arthritis. Additionally, alcohol can worsen existing arthritis symptoms by causing inflammation.


Like refined carbs, sugar can cause spikes in blood sugar levels that can trigger pain and inflammation in people with arthritis. Additionally, sugar promotes the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut that can contribute to inflammation throughout the body.

Grains and Legumes

Grains and Legumes should be avoided on an anti-inflammatory diet because they are high in lectins, which can cause inflammation in the body. Gluten, found in most grains such as wheat, barley and rye, is also known to be an inflammatory causing agent. This can affect not only digestion and gut health, but all of the other systems of the body due to systemic inflammation. It is best to avoid grains and legumes if possible in order to reduce inflammation caused by these two food groups.

Foods You Should eat
These foods are considered anti-inflammatory and will help to keep your inflammation at bay

Vegetables ( except nightshades)

Adding in more anti-inflammatory powerhouses like leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli. These nutrient-rich options are packed with antioxidants and will help reduce the inflammation in the body greatly. Eating lots of fresh produce will not only make you feel better but also provide vitamins and minerals that cannot be found anywhere else!

Seafood rich in Omega 3
Eating seafood rich in omega 3 can provide numerous health benefits. Omega 3 is an unsaturated fatty acid, which acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory. It can help protect the body from diseases caused by inflammation, such as arthritis and heart disease. Intake of omega 3 fatty acids can also maintain proper brain function, improve memory, concentration, and even mood. Studies done on omega 3 fatty acids also found a link between its intake and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, eating seafood high in omega 3 can also benefit your vision health by reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration. With all these benefits, it's easy to see why adding seafood rich in omega 3 to your diet could be advantageous for your long-term health!

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods boast a multitude of health benefits which makes them an excellent addition to any diet. They are especially effective in combatting inflammation, as the fermentation process helps produce a variety of bacterial byproducts that act as anti-inflammatory agents. Research has also identified the presence of natural probiotics in fermented foods, which can help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of infection. Furthermore, fermented foods can even improve digestion and help support overall good gut health - something that's more important than ever these days with so many people suffering from gastrointestinal issues. When looking to add some extra flavor and nutrition to your meals, reach for fermented foods!

Lean Meats and Liver
Eating lean proteins such as fish and liver is a great way to combat inflammation in the body. Our bodies naturally produce molecules known as eicosanoids which have an anti-inflammatory effect, but the process of producing these molecules can be hindered when consuming high-fat foods. For this reason, it's important to consider incorporating lean proteins into your diet if you are looking for ways of reducing inflammation. Not only can eating lean meats potential reduce inflammation, but it's also incredibly nutritious and has been observed to have a protective effect against chronic diseases. Lean proteins are low in calories and fat and do not ommit all the health benefits you gain from consuming healthier choices. Incorporate them into your diet today!

Healthy Oils
Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil
In today's day and age, inflammation has become a key area of health concerns due to its role in many chronic diseases. Fortunately, certain healthy oils are proven to be effective anti-inflammatory agents. Olive oil is a top choice for reducing systemic inflammation as it is full of beneficial antioxidants that help defend against free radicals. Avocado oil is also a great choice for fighting off inflammation thanks to its monounsaturated fats and high Vitamin E & K content. Lastly, coconut oil is an excellent source of medium-chain triglycerides, which are known to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating these healthy oils into your daily diet could make all the difference when it comes to managing inflammation and achieving optimal health!


I would love to answer any questions you may have.  Having someone to bounce questions off is super helpful + I would love to be that person for you.

I’ve done a ton of research and I’ve got a reputable source I trust for natural products to aid with pain and inflammation.  It's what I use everyday to enjoy a pain free life.  It is important to know that not all natural products are created equal- you can’t just go to the grocery store and trust that you are getting the good stuff. 

I've got an 11 Day Program that has eliminated inflammation in thousands of men and women, and most have lost 7-15 lbs in 11 days......including myself!  Ask me about the 11 Day Jumpstart !  It's life changing!!   
You can do anything for 11 days...why not change your life!!!

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Copyright Maria Custode