Tips for Daily Detox
Spring/Summer is the season of cleaning, organizing, and getting the yard looking fresh and ready.  It’s also the perfect time to cleanse and detoxify your BODY! Detoxifying and cleansing your body of toxins periodically has a lot of benefits and can keep your body functioning optimally. Cleansing doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Small simple changes every day can add up to large beneficial results. Try these quick tips to help support healthy detoxification in your body:

1. Drink more water! It is recommended that you drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. Staying hydrated encourages proper metabolic function. Your body is up to 60 percent water and needs water to function properly. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Not only does drinking enough water mean you’re flushing out toxins on the regular (and if that means plenty of bathroom breaks, so be it), it also means your skin will stay healthy, you’ll sleep better and you might even notice that headaches, muscle cramping, digestive issues, and aches and pains subside substantially.

2. Get sweaty! Not only does exercise have numerous health benefits, but it is also a great way for your body to naturally detoxify. Your skin is your largest organ and is key to toxin elimination, sometimes referred to as ‘the third kidney’. So, get moving! Whether it be a heavy workout or a walk around the block, moving and exercising in any form will help with detoxification, as well as other health improvements such as: better mood and reduced levels of stress and anxiety.

3. Increase antioxidant and fiber intake! Antioxidants (found in foods with high levels of Vitamin A, C and E, like berries) help fight free radicals, while fiber (found in whole grains, lentils, beans, fruits and veggies) is essential to proper and regular digestion. Try including more fresh produce into your daily diet.

4. Sleep Sweet! Sleep is essential to a healthy, functioning body. It’s when our body resets our brain, repairs cells, and flushes out toxins from our liver and kidneys. Be sure you are getting quality sleep and resting when your body needs it.

5. Breathe Deep! Conscious, deep breathing can help stimulate your lymphatic system. Long and slow breathing helps to stimulate lymph flow. A few times each day, try making time to take focused deep breaths.

What are some of your favorite ways to detoxify daily?

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Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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