Tending the Harvest

Tending the Harvest

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… HARVEST SEASON! All your hard work and patience has paid off and you get to pluck delicious fresh food from the earth and eat to your heart’s content!


Pollinator Party

Pollinator Party

Did you know that some plants self-pollinate? Fruits like peppers can stand alone and produce fruit. Not every plant does that. Lots of them need the help of cross-pollination between male and female plants!


Companion Plants

Companion Plants

If you’ve been around the garden scene a while you’ve heard of companion planting. And if you haven’t heard, let me enlighten you!

 Some plants play well together; others do not. This is because every plant has certain nutrients that it uses from the soil for growth and fruit production. Also, plants excrete certain byproducts back into the soil that can either help or hinder your harvest!


Unwanted and Unpleasant Growth

Unwanted and Unpleasant Growth

You can waste SO many hours on weeds. Summer is short enough, let’s not spend unnecessary time dealing with weed overgrowth!

 If you’re trying to get rid of unwanted plant growth that doesn’t involve harmful chemicals (linked to so many neurological, hormone, and overall health imbalances) just know there are some safe alternatives. Weeds HATE Cinnamon so try your hand at this easy DIY. 


Pets and Your Garden

Pets and Your Garden

Now, what about the pets we love and adore but can’t seem to keep out of our gardens? As much as we love them, let’s face it, they can get into the garden and cause quite a mess.

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