Pollinator Party

Did you know that some plants self-pollinate? Fruits like peppers can stand alone and produce fruit. Not every plant does that. Lots of them need the help of cross-pollination between male and female plants!

Know who helps with that?! POLLINATORS!

 Bees and butterflies are some of the friendliest insects you can get into your garden! Without them you’ll have measly harvests and be disappointed that all your hard work didn’t result in the delicious produce you wanted!

 Pollinators are attracted to the smell of flowers and luckily some of our wonderful essential oils are distilled from flowers… so convenient! 

 Create a spray using essential oils to spritz on the flowering buds of your garden to encourage pollinators to come in and get the job done!

 ‘Pollinator Party’ Spray

Add 6-8 drops of Lavender and Orange essential to a 4 oz. glass spray bottle and top with distilled water. Shake, spray, and party with the pollinators!


Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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