Do what you love!

Did you know that the average person will spend 90,000 hours of work in their lifetime?  That is a lot of time spent NOT doing something that you love.  The modern employee changes career paths 12-15 times throughout their lives.  What does that say about peoples’s satisfaction in the work that they do?  

86% of people today report making extra money on a side hustle!  Their side hustle is usually doing something they love or are passionate about and it provides a creative outlet and extra income! Very few of us have been able to change our work (income stream)  into something we  are passionate about.  I am one of those few, I am passionate about helping others find health and wellness through holistic methods.  For you it could be coaching a sport, playing music,  or starting an Etsy shop to sell homemade goods or art.  You are the only person in your life that can discover your true passion.  Some of you already know what it is, and others will take a lifetime of exploration.  Wherever you are in that process, I encourage you to pursue it with all your heart, your life will only get better if you do!!  If you’d like to share your “dream” job, please do, sometimes putting it in writing, helps make it happen!

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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