Can arthritis make you tired?
 If you’re a woman living with arthritis, you may notice that your fatigue levels are higher than usual. That’s because fatigue is a common symptom of arthritis. The good news is that understanding the cause of this fatigue can help you manage it more effectively. So why does arthritis make us so tired? Let's take a closer look at how arthritis affects our energy levels.

What Is Arthritis Fatigue?
Arthritis fatigue is an overwhelming sense of tiredness and exhaustion caused by inflammation in the joints. It can occur in any type of arthritis, but it’s most common in rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation and pain in the joints. Arthritis fatigue differs from regular fatigue because it’s more persistent and difficult to shake off—even after resting or sleeping for a long period of time. It can be so severe that even simple activities like brushing your teeth or walking across the room become much harder than they should be.

Causes Of Arthritis Fatigue
There are several potential causes for arthritis-related fatigue, including physical factors such as inflammation and joint damage, as well as psychological factors such as stress and depression. Your body has to work hard to heal inflamed joints, which means your muscles are using up extra energy to cope with the pain and stiffness associated with this condition. This drains your energy reserves quickly, leading to feelings of tiredness and exhaustion during the day or after periods of activity. Additionally, stress and anxiety over living with a chronic illness can also zap your energy levels significantly.

Managing Arthritis Fatigue
The best way to manage arthritis fatigue is to address its underlying causes—which means managing both the physical symptoms of your condition as well as any psychological issues you might experience due to living with this condition. Talk to your doctor about different medications that may help reduce inflammation and pain levels in your joints, as well as therapy or lifestyle changes that may help reduce stress or depression associated with chronic illness. Additionally, try engaging in low-impact activities such as yoga or swimming that don't put too much strain on your joints while still providing some exercise benefits—which will help increase your energy levels over time!

Living with arthritis can be a challenge—especially when it comes to managing fatigue levels! Fortunately, understanding why we experience this exhaustion can help us identify ways to manage it more effectively by addressing its underlying causes—both physical and psychological ones! By talking to our doctors about medications that may help reduce inflammation in our joints, engaging in low-impact exercises like yoga or swimming, and managing any stressors related to living with a chronic illness, we can arm ourselves with strategies for keeping our energy levels up!

Here is the link to what I use to manage my inflammation.

Ask me about the 11 day jumpstart to reduce pain and inflammation

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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