Should you push through the arthritis pain?
 Living with arthritis pain can be a daily struggle. For women over the age of 40, the symptoms of arthritis may be more noticeable and widespread than at any other time in life. While it’s tempting to push through the pain and continue with your day-to-day activities, it’s also important to stop and consider how this might affect your body in the long run. Let’s take a closer look at how to manage your arthritis pain.

Understand Your Pain
The first step in managing your arthritis pain is to understand what type of pain you have, where it originates from, and how it affects you on a daily basis. Take some time to talk to your doctor about what type of arthritis you have and what kind of treatments are available for that specific condition. This will help you develop a plan for managing your pain and living a healthy life despite the limitations that come with living with arthritis.

Know When To Stop
When dealing with arthritis pain, it’s important to know when to stop or take breaks from activities that cause strain or discomfort on your joints. If you feel like an activity is causing too much stress on one particular joint, then it’s best to take a break or switch activities altogether so that you don’t damage the joint further. Taking regular breaks can also help reduce inflammation which can lead to less intense flares in the future.

Relaxation Techniques  
Stress can worsen existing symptoms of arthritis so taking time out each day to relax can help keep flare-ups at bay while also promoting overall wellness. Deep breathing exercises and mindfulness practices such as meditation can help reduce stress levels while also alleviating muscle tension associated with arthritis pain. Other relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, and massage therapy can also be beneficial for managing chronic joint pains associated with certain types of arthritis.

Living with chronic arthritic pain doesn't have to mean giving up on everyday activities or leading an inactive lifestyle - there are plenty of ways in which women over 40 can effectively manage their symptoms without resorting to medication or surgery. By understanding your type of arthritis and its effects on your body, knowing when enough is enough, and incorporating relaxation techniques into your routine; you will be able to increase mobility as well as decrease everyday aches caused by this painful condition. With these tips in mind, living with chronic arthritic pain doesn't have to mean giving up on all physical activity - instead, it's just another opportunity to live healthier!

Here is the link to what I use to manage my inflammation.

Ask me about the 11 day jumpstart to reduce pain and inflammation

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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