Is it good to massage arthritic joints?
 If you have arthritis and are looking for a natural way to alleviate the pain in your joints, massage therapy may be just what you need. Massage has been used to treat joint pain for centuries and can be an effective way to reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve joint mobility. Let’s explore the various benefits of massage for arthritic joints.

Reduce Inflammation
Massaging the affected area helps to reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow to the area. This can help break down scar tissue that has built up over time due to arthritis, as well as relax tense muscles that are often caused by chronic pain. This increased blood flow also helps speed up the healing process so that you can get back to feeling better sooner rather than later.

Improve Mobility
If you suffer from arthritis, it’s likely that your range of motion is limited in some way due to stiffness or pain in the affected joint. Massage can help loosen tight muscles and improve joint flexibility, allowing you to move more freely and with less discomfort. Massage also helps release endorphins, which are natural chemicals produced by your body that act as a natural painkiller. By promoting relaxation, massage can help ease tension in your body and make movement easier.

Relieve Pain
As mentioned earlier, regular massage sessions can help reduce inflammation and muscle tension in arthritic joints, which in turn helps relieve both acute and chronic pain associated with arthritis. Additionally, massages increase circulation throughout the body which helps reduce swelling around the affected area. Improved circulation also brings more oxygen-rich blood cells to the area which aids in healing damaged tissues faster. The combination of these effects makes massage an ideal therapy for managing arthriticpain without resorting tom edication or invasive treatments like surgery or injections.

 All in all, there are many benefits associated with using massage therapy for arthritic joints. Massage is a safe and natural way to reduce inflammation, improve mobility, and relieve pain associated with arthritis without resorting to medication or more invasive treatments like surgery or injections. If you suffer from arthritic joint pain and wantto find relief without putting yourself at risk of side effects or complications from other forms of treatment, then consider incorporating regular massage into your health care routine today!

Here is the link to what I use to manage my inflammation.

Ask me about the 11 day jumpstart to reduce pain and inflammation

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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