What are 4 main treatments for arthritis?
 Arthritis is a broad term to describe over 100 different conditions, with the most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is estimated that one in five women suffer from this condition, making it important to be aware of the available treatments. Let's take a look at six main treatments for arthritis.

Pain Medication
Arthritis causes pain and inflammation of the joints which can be eased with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen. If these do not offer relief your doctor may prescribe stronger medications such as opioids or gabapentin. However, it is important to note that these types of medications have the potential for addiction so they should only be used as prescribed.

Exercise has many benefits and can improve joint flexibility, help with weight loss, and reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. Swimming, walking, and biking are all low impact activities that are recommended for those dealing with arthritis. Exercise also helps to reduce stress levels which may improve overall health outcomes.

Dietary Supplements
Certain dietary supplements such as omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil may help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. Your doctor or nutritionist can recommend specific supplements tailored to your individual needs that could be beneficial in managing arthritis symptoms.
Physical Therapy  Physical therapy has been shown to help people manage their joint pain by strengthening muscles around affected areas and increasing range of motion. Physical therapists will also teach you exercises designed specifically for your condition that you can do at home on days when you cannot make it into the office. Therapists will also provide tips on how to modify everyday activities so that they become easier without causing further damage or discomfort to joints affected by arthritis.

Lifestyle Changes 
In addition to exercise and physical therapy, there are other lifestyle changes you can make such as using aids like shoe inserts or special tools designed specifically for those dealing with joint pain associated with arthritis. Additionally, heating pads may help ease pain while cold packs can reduce swelling caused by inflammation in joints affected by this condition. Finally, getting enough rest is an important part of helping manage your symptoms so if possible take naps when needed throughout the day or incorporate other relaxation techniques like yoga into your daily routine (with doctor’s approval).

 Arthritis affects millions of women worldwide but there are ways to manage its symptoms through lifestyle modifications and various treatments available from doctors and physical therapists alike including medication, exercise, dietary supplements, physical therapy and lifestyle changes like using assistive aides when needed or getting enough rest during the day if possible (with doctor’s approval). All of these treatments combined can help you keep active while keeping your body healthy and strong despite any challenges posed by arthritis!

Here is the link to what I use to manage my inflammation.

Ask me about the 11 day jumpstart to reduce pain and inflammation

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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