What is the best position to sleep with High Blood Pressure?
The Best Position to Sleep with High Blood Pressure: A Holistic Approach

As we grow older, we are more likely to develop certain health conditions, and high blood pressure is a common one. It is a silent killer that affects millions of people worldwide. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition where the force of blood against your artery walls is too high. Many factors, including diet, stress, and insufficient sleep, can increase your risk of hypertension. As we consider sleep, it is essential to consider the quality of sleep and the position we sleep in. In this blog post, we'll discuss the best position to sleep with high blood pressure, taking a more holistic approach to your overall health.

The best position for sleep with high blood pressure is on your left side. Sleeping on your left side can positively impact your blood pressure levels because it improves circulation, reduces pressure on your heart, and helps your body eliminate waste fluids. The left-side position allows gravity to promote good blood flow, filters lymph fluids, and reduces your heart's workload. By avoiding on your right side, you can prevent putting unnecessary pressure when your heart pumps the blood.

Lifestyle choices like sleep position or regular exercise may seem small, but they can have a significant impact on your overall health, especially your blood pressure levels. A study published in the journal Hypertension in 2019 found that when people were sleeping on their backs, their blood pressure increased. It further suggests that sleeping on your stomach does not necessarily correct itself to the best position to sleep with high blood pressure as it can restrict your breathing and cause uncomfortable neck and back strains.

Another sleep tip for people with high blood pressure is to elevate your head using a pillow. By elevating your head, you can keep your body in an inclined position and reduce fluid buildup around your heart and lungs. Reducing fluid buildup and keeping your airways open can prevent snoring and promote restful breathing, allowing you to get a healthy amount of sleep each night.

Besides sleep position and head elevation with a wedge pillow, it is essential to stay hydrated and watch your salt intake. High sodium levels are associated with hypertension, causing the body to hold more fluids and making the organ work harder to filter out waste. Suppose you are overweight, reducing weight through regular exercise can also have a profound impact on blood pressure levels.

High blood pressure is a complicated ailment that requires a holistic approach to managing your symptoms. Simple sleep posture adjustments, such as sleeping on your left side, elevating your head, and avoiding sleeping on your back, can help reduce your blood pressure levels. Moreover, watching your salt intake, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise can better manage hypertension. It is essential to take care of your body and be more mindful of your health to live a long and happy life.

Here’s the link to what I use to support healthy heart function.

Ask me about the 11 day jumpstart to lose 7-15 lbs in 11 days and reduce inflammation. 

You can monitor your blood pressure at home with a blood pressure monitor for home use.


Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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