Cleaning Products and Your Wellness

I’m gong to start by asking you a few questions.  Do you know what products in your home are the most toxic?  How many of them do you use on a daily basis?  What are the risks associated with using them?

Many of you have not ever even given it a thought.  We just go about our day using all the products that our moms and our grandmas used because it’s what we know works to kill germs and clean our homes.  

Over the past several years, I have dedicated my time to research regarding all this and let me tell you…it’s eye opening!  

To answer the first question, some of the most toxic are: Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets!  They emit toxins while in your washing machine and dryers, they put those toxins onto your skin when you wear the clothes or breathe in the “Fresh” scent all day, then they are in your closet…releasing the toxins into the air for you to breathe in again!  FYI…Candles and plug-in air fresheners come in a close second.* Did you know that burning a candle for 2 hours is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes? **

There are many risks associated with using these products.  When our bodies are chemically overloaded we may feel it as lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, skin issues, adult acne, hormones, hot flashes , stress, anxiety and fear.  If you experience any of this, its  time you take a look at what’s in your home.  

If you love this info, you’ll LOVE my guide 3 Easy Preventative Measures to Stay Healthy!

* Government Study: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Top Ten Killer Household Chemicals 
** Dr. Andrew Sled - Environmental Toxicologist

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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