Tips and Tricks for a Healthier you!

Tips and Tricks for a Healthier you!

Now’s the perfect time to remember everything we learned in preschool:

  • Wash your hands.
  • Eat your vegetables.
  • Be kind to people.
  • Avoid doorknobs.

All teasing aside (but seriously—avoid doorknobs at all costs!), your health is in your hands

Whether you decide to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer, 

choose an apple over apple pie, or watch one less TV episode to catch a bit more sleep, 

every choice you make will lead to a healthier, happier you!

Make wellness your number one priority by following these steps.

Back to basics

1. Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.

We all know that we should wash our hands. But did you know that there are good, better, 

and best ways to wash your hands? Lather and scrub the back of your hands, 

up to your wrists, between fingers, and even under your nails. 

Trust us—you won’t be sad you spent an extra few seconds getting squeaky clean.

2. Cough or sneeze into your elbows.

Prevent fluids from spreading by avoiding contact with your hands completely. 

In fact—be sure to avoid contact with your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible.

3. Spray down surfaces and frequently touched objects.

Make sure your well-worn and gathering-space surfaces are super clean by disinfecting 

them frequently.  Be sure to use toxin free cleaner so you don't add harmful

 chemicals into your home. 

Take it easy

1. Diffuse immune boosting essential oils.

Warm up your home with the cozy and inviting scent of Clove, Cinnamon, Lemon, 

and Eucalyptus Essential Oils while also bringing in some cleansing power! 

2. Keep hydrated.

Hydration isn’t just important during exercise. According to the CDC, healthy hydration levels

 can help increase your body’s capacity to fight off sickness and keep your temperature normal.

3. Stay home if you don’t feel well.

Feeling under the weather? Take on the day at home and open up your favorite book,

 curl up on the couch and rest.

Everyday wellness

1. Keep moving!

There are 1,440 minutes in every day. You only need 30 of those minutes to get up 

and move to have a positive impact on your body and overall health! 

Small changes can make a big difference when it comes to your body’s health: 

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park toward the back of the parking lot, 

or try out a new hobby that gets you up and moving. 

Your muscles, mind, and motivation will thank you! 

2. Eat your fruits and veggies.

We know you’ve heard this before, but fruits and veggies are a staple to any healthy food routine! 

Adding color to your plate is an easy way to make sure you’re getting a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

3. Regulate your sleep cycle.

Believe it or not, sleep is just as important as regular exercise or eating a balanced diet 

when it comes to your overall health. Not only does it improve productivity and concentration, 

but it can also help strengthen your immune system! 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

adults should be getting 7+ hours of sleep a night. 

As you follow these simple steps, you’ll have everything you need to take your wellness 

into your (healthy) hands!

If you love this info, you’ll LOVE my guide 3 Easy Preventative Measures to Stay Healthy!

Be sure to Like and Follow my FaceBook Page and Join my Group No Nonsense Wellness.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

How to Create Habits That Stick

How to Create Habits That Stick

I have found that most of us do not like change.  We like everything to stay the same.  Unfortunately, for some of us, things need to change in order for us to be healthier.  We need to change our eating habits, exercise more and sometimes end addictive behaviors.   It seems like an insurmountable task.   But if you pace yourself and program behaviors as new habits you can take out the struggle.

With a small amount of initial discipline, you can create a new habit that requires little effort to maintain. Here are some tips for creating new habits and making them stick:

1. Commit to One Month – Three to four weeks is all the time you need to make a habit stick. If you can make it through the initial conditioning phase, it becomes much easier to sustain. A month is a good block of time to commit to a change since it easily fits in your calendar.

2. Do it Daily – Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick. If you want to start eating healthy, start with small daily adjustments.  Add more fruits and veggies, give up that energy drink and replace it with a healthier option.  Be sure to make an adjustment everyday, if you skip days, it will be more difficult for it to become a habit.

3. Start Slowly – Don’t try to completely change your life in one day. It is easy to get over-motivated and take on too much. If you wanted to get more exercise, start off with a daily 20 minute walk , not a full on kick-boxing class!

4. Set Reminders – Around two weeks into your commitment it can be easy to forget. Place reminders to execute your habit each day or you might miss a few days. If you miss time it defeats the purpose of setting a habit to begin with.

6. Get a Buddy – Find someone who will go along with you and keep you motivated if you feel like quitting.

7. Forgive Yourself – Don’t expect all your attempts to change habits to be successful immediately.  If you forget or “slip up” just get right back to it the next day.

8. Reduce Temptation – Remove junk food from your house, throw out the cigarettes so you won’t need to struggle with willpower later.

9. Write it Down – Writing makes your ideas more clear and focuses you on your end result. 

10.  Do it For Yourself – Don’t do it to please someone else.  If you don’t do it for yourself, it will not become a habit.  You have to believe there is value in it for you! 

If you love this info, you’ll LOVE my guide 3 Easy Preventative Measures to Stay Healthy!

Be sure to Like and Follow my FaceBook Page and Join my Group No Nonsense Wellness.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Cleaning Products and Your Wellness

Cleaning Products and Your Wellness

I’m gong to start by asking you a few questions.  Do you know what products in your home are the most toxic?  How many of them do you use on a daily basis?  What are the risks associated with using them?

Many of you have not ever even given it a thought.  We just go about our day using all the products that our moms and our grandmas used because it’s what we know works to kill germs and clean our homes.  

Over the past several years, I have dedicated my time to research regarding all this and let me tell you…it’s eye opening!  

To answer the first question, some of the most toxic are: Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets!  They emit toxins while in your washing machine and dryers, they put those toxins onto your skin when you wear the clothes or breathe in the “Fresh” scent all day, then they are in your closet…releasing the toxins into the air for you to breathe in again!  FYI…Candles and plug-in air fresheners come in a close second.* Did you know that burning a candle for 2 hours is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes? **

There are many risks associated with using these products.  When our bodies are chemically overloaded we may feel it as lethargy, inability to focus, sleep trouble, chronic inflammation, unexplained pain, fibromyalgia, skin issues, adult acne, hormones, hot flashes , stress, anxiety and fear.  If you experience any of this, its  time you take a look at what’s in your home.  

If you love this info, you’ll LOVE my guide 3 Easy Preventative Measures to Stay Healthy!

* Government Study: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Top Ten Killer Household Chemicals 
** Dr. Andrew Sled - Environmental Toxicologist

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.
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