How to STAY PAIN FREE during and after GARDENING!

How I stay Pain Free during and after Gardening!

I love to garden!  From flowers to vegetables, I love it all!  I anxiously wait for the last frost so I can get outside and plant my flowers for spring. Which is immediately followed by planting tomatoes, peppers, basil, parsley, oregano ….the list goes on… However, sometimes I overdue it!  

Common gardening tasks such as digging, planting, weeding and mulching can cause stress on our muscles and joints . Here are some tips I use to mitigate the pain: 

  •     Warm up before gardening (take a ten-minute walk, for example).
  •     Change positions frequently to avoid stiffness and cramping.
  •     Take breaks frequently or change tasks to give certain areas of your body a break.
  •     Use knee pads or a gardening pad when kneeling.
  •     If kneeling or bending causes pain to your back or knees, consider an elevated planter.
  •     Keep your wrist straight when pulling weeds or using garden tools.
  •     End your gardening session with some stretches for your arms, legs, and back.

There are times when even with the precautionary protocol, I still find myself with painful joints and muscles from overdoing it!  I guess I am not 30 anymore when I could plow through anything.  I use a  pain cream that provides cooling relief from minor muscle and joint aches, arthritis, strains, bruises, and sprains. It’s a plant-based formula which combines the power of Wintergreen essential oil with Cool Azul essential oil blend. With two powerful, synergistic active ingredients, this cream provides pain-relieving benefits in two ways: methyl salicylate found in Wintergreen helps alleviate pain deep in the muscles and joints, and natural menthol found in Peppermint provides a cooling effect. I use this because it gives me relief without synthetic ingredients.  I call this my magic cream!  It’s like instant relief with no harmful effects and it smells great too!  

So, get out there and enjoy your gardening!  That’s what I’m doing! 

If you love this info, you’ll LOVE my guide 3 Easy Preventative Measures to Stay Healthy!

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Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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