The dangers lurking in your Bathroom....

The bathroom is loaded with TONS of potentially harmful ingredients. 

Here are a few to watch out for in your personal care products…


  • Formaldehyde - This is a preservative that is often seen in lotions, cosmetics, and baby wipes. It’s a known carcinogen and can cause skin and respiratory irritations.


  • Phthalates - These are a group of chemicals found in personal care products and many plastics and vinyls. They can affect your endocrine system, reproductive health, and even potentially cause cancer.


  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) - These are surfactants commonly used as an emulsifying cleaning agent in household cleaning products (laundry detergents, spray cleaners, and dishwasher detergents). In other words they keep things mixed up and help them create lather. Oftentimes they are synthetically derived and have the potential to cause skin irritation. 


  • Ethanolamines (MEA, DEA, and TEA) - These are found in many household and personal care products and have been linked to organ system toxicity, bioaccumulation, and even cancer.  

A way to protect your family is by getting these items from a trusted source.  I have several items that I use daily to protect my family. 

If you find yourself always feeling “off”, it could be what you are putting on your body along with what you are eating. 

If you love this info, you’ll LOVE my webinar: 4 Easy Steps to get off the Miserable Health Hamster Wheel”  

Be sure to join my exclusive group where we share information on living a healthy lifestyle.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.


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